Lawn Care Packages
Weekly Lawn Service
Mowing, Trimming, Edging,
& Blowing Debris from
sidewalks, patio's, & driveway.
Fall Leaf Collection
2x per Season
Collection & Removal of
leaves, sticks, & debris
from turf areas.
Spring Cleanup
1x per Season
Collection & Removal of
leaves, sticks, & debris
from turf areas.
Basic Plus
Lawn Care Package
5x Fertilization &
Broadleaf Control Package
Early Spring - Granular
with DIMENSION Crabgrass Control
Spring - Granular Fertilization with
DIMENSION Crabgrass Control
Summer - Granular
with Insect Control
Early Fall - Granular
Late Fall - Granular
with GALLERY pre-emergent
2x Lime Application
1x Spring & 1x Early Fall
Rate: 40lbs per 1,000 sq ft
per Season
1x Core Aeration
Early Fall
1x Grass Seed Application
Applied at time of Aeration
Rate: 6 lbs per 1,000 sq ft
Spring Bed Preparation:
Carve Plant Beds
Deadheading of appropriate perennials
Remove Weeds & Debris from beds
Rotate existing soil/mulch
Fertilize Plant Beds
Mulch Plant Beds with Premium
Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch
(Up to 10 cu yards)
Selective Prunning
& Hedging
All tree's & shrubs under 15' in
height will be properly groomed
2x per season.
(1x Early Spring & 1x Late Fall)
Ongoing Weeding
All plant beds & turf areas will be
weeded monthly or 6x per season.
Weeds will be pulled from the
plant beds. Turf Areas will be
treated as necessary. Cracks in
the curbs, driveway, sidewalks, etc.
will be sprayed with a non-selective
Premier PLUS
Lawn Care Package
Monthly Selective Pruning
& Hedging
All tree's & shrubs under 15' in height
will be properly groomed monthly or
6x per season to maintain a constant
groomed appearance.
Weekly Ongoing Weeding
Mid-Summer Cultivation
All mulched plant beds & tree rings
will be turned & amendments will
be added to the soil to allow for
maximum growth and appearance.
Late Fall/Winter Mulching
After the last Fall Leaf Collection:
Re-Carve Mulched Plant Beds
Remove Weeds from Plant Beds
Deadheading of Ornamental Grasses
Rotate existing soil/mulch
Fertlize Plant Beds
Mulch Plant Beds with Premium
Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch